
Welcome to Where There Is Joy!

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. Henri J.M. Nouwen wherethereisjoy.com

We have all met someone who just seems to emanate joy. They seem to be happy all the time, they are always in a good mood, and they are always smiling.

I am that someone. I mean, no one is happy and in a good mood and smiling ALL the time. But I do feel joy most of the time, and it has made me wonder: why are some people more joyful than others? What’s the difference between joy and happiness? Is it possible to feel joy when your life isn’t perfect?

I do believe there are some people who are naturally disposed to joy. The optimists. The glass-is-half-full people. But I also believe, and research supports, that experiencing joy is also a habit that can be developed, a choice that can be made. In general, we do what comes easy to us. So if we are used to looking at situations in a negative light, or used to expecting the worst in someone, then it’s easy to keep feeling that way. It takes a conscious effort (for some, more effort than others) to choose joy. To choose to look at a situation in a positive light. To choose to see the best in someone. It’s a choice worth making!

It’s easy to look at certain people, and the life experiences they’ve had, and say, “Well of course they’re joyful. They’ve got a great life…they SHOULD be full of joy!” But there’s a reason why “money can’t buy happiness” is such a popular phrase: because it’s true! There are some who seemingly “have it all” and still aren’t experiencing joy. And usually the image we see of most people on social media is their own curated version of their lives anyway…they are sharing the best parts!

My own life has been pretty good, but not perfect, with my fair share of ups and downs. I am a divorced, single mom. I have experienced unemployment and the financial strain that came from balancing a few part time jobs to keep food on the table and the roof over our heads while looking for full time employment. I have experienced rejection, disappointment, and betrayal.

So why am I so filled with joy? For me, in addition to the not-so-great events in my life, I could share a million amazing things that have happened to me as well. Some of them are small things, like seeing a spectacular sunset that has brought me yelling for others to look at it, too. Some of them are big things, like a supportive family who is always there for me. Through all the ups and downs, it’s the positive aspects of my life that I CHOOSE to focus on. I CHOOSE joy. I CHOOSE to take the negative things that have happened, view them as a learning experience, and make myself better because of them. YOU can also make this choice!

There are countless reasons to choose a life of joy. Joy is good for your body, giving you energy, boosting your immune system, and reducing stress. Joy is good for your soul…it just feels GOOD to be joyful and can bring a sense of peace and calm to your life. And joy is good for your mind, as it gives you motivation, strength, and encouragement to face every situation that comes your way.

Whether joy comes naturally to you or whether it’s a habit you need to consciously cultivate, JOY is worth having, and you deserve it. Look around. There is much in this world to put a smile on your face and joy in your heart. Choose to see it. Choose to believe it. Where there is joy, there is peace.

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